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Recipe courtesy of Judy Chambers of

Breakfast Porridge

The breakfast porridge is cooked but the fermentation process, prior to cooking, breaks down the phytic acid present in the grains. You can serve this porridge with enzyme-rich fresh organic berries and cultured yogurt or cream to bump up the enzyme contribution.

*Serves 2-3

Soaking Mix:
2 cups Oats, Spelt, Kamut, Rice, Rye, Rolled Flakes or Steel-cut Grains
2 cups Warm Filtered Water
2 Tbsp. Cultured Yogurt, Fresh Lemon Juice or Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
*Choose Non-Homogenized Organic Whole Plain Yogurt, if using dairy (Jerseyland, Saugeen or other brand that says "non-homogenized" on the label)

Cooking Mix:
½ tsp. Unrefined Celtic Sea Salt
2 cups Filtered Water
1Tbsp. Organic Butter, Organic Ghee or Virgin Coconut Oil
1 Tbsp. Shredded Unsweetened Coconut (*optional)

1.  Porridge grains should be soaked overnight for highest benefits & best assimilation.

2.  Mix rolled or cracked grains with warm water & fermenting liquid. Cover and leave in a warm place for at least 8 hours or for as long as 24 hours. *Do not throw out the original soak water.

3.  Then bring the additional 2 cups of water to a boil with unrefined sea salt.

4.  Add soaked grains (*plus reserved soak water) to boiling water, reduce heat, cover and simmer for 5 minutes.

5.  Serve with plenty of organic butter/ghee, non-homogenized organic whole yogurt, cultured cream or full fat coconut milk.

6.  You may also wish to use a natural wholesome sweetener such as; pureed fresh fruit, natural fruit preserves (*berry, apple, apricot) or a wholesome concentrated sweetener (*Rapadura sugar, raw honey, maple syrup, Agave syrup or Stevia).